Andy Ellis: Leadership & Security

Welcome, folks. If you’re here looking for a rugby player, musician, or artist, those are all different Andy Ellises. But if you’re looking for me, well, here you are. If you recently picked up my book, 1% Leadership, thank you. What’s next? Please consider leaving a (positive) review for it wherever you bought it, or on a common review site like Goodreads. Then, check out the resources here, starting with my weekly leadership newsletter on Substack. If you haven’t yet picked up your copy, check out the links in the sidebar on the right.
If you’re looking to get a signed copy, you have several choices:
- Order from Book Ends in Winchester, MA. In the additional information, ask for an author signed copy. (When they run out, they contact me to ask more)
- In my newsletter, I list the conferences I’ll be at; I’ll happily sign a book you bring.
- Engage me to come speak or lead a workshop at your organization.
Stop Destroying Value: Six Leadership Disciplines
Walk through all of the ways that poor leadership harms the value that team members produce, outlining six key disciplines that leaders need to practice.
How to CISO, Volume 1: The First 91 Days
Just want to download the eBook? Head over to How to CISO, Volume 1: The First 91 Days! It seems to be a rite of passage for all CISOs to, at some point in their career, write down their advice for other CISOs starting a new job, whether they are a first-time or veteran CISO.…
Remote VideoConferencing Setup
If you’ve heard me on a podcast, or seen me at a virtual conference, maybe you’ve been surprised at the audio and video capabilities I bring. Enough people have asked me to write them up, so here you go.