Category: Leadership

  • Heroes, Air and Sea

    Heroes, Air and Sea

    Leadership Moment: D-Day As we observe and celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day this week, there’s also a solemnity: this may be the final “interesting” (numerically) anniversary in which living veterans of D-Day participate. As usual, France has rolled out the red carpet for the heroes who through themselves into harm’s way, by sea and…

  • Who’s in charge here?

    Who’s in charge here?

    Leadership Moment: Constraining Authority The Daf Yomi is the practice of studying the Talmud, in a page a day. This last week, the daily page included Bava Metzia 59, one of the key moments in legal leadership in the history of humankind. It starts out really boringly: an argument between the rabbis about whether an…

  • Let my message go…

    Let my message go…

    Leadership Moment: The Perfect is the Enemy of the Now It’s been a crazy month here, and despite some great plans for the newsletter, I kept failing to execute on them – and there’s a leadership lesson right there: sometimes, you build up your own requirements for success so high that, in failing to meet…

  • Don’t Be The Bear

    Don’t Be The Bear

    Leadership Moment: Begging Forgiveness, or Planning Harm? Two weeks ago, I wrote about the entertaining experience of watching a hotel clerk completely ignore me for ten minutes. To be clear, at any point I could have advocated for myself. I could have written my checkout note on a piece of paper, and then called my…

  • Mind the Gap

    Mind the Gap

    Leadership Moment: Performance vs Practice Kymberlee Price led off her post for International Women’s day with “I hate International Women’s Day.” It’s actually not that provocative of a post: Kymberlee objects to the one-day marketing campaigns that aren’t backed up by actual work. I agree with her points, and go one step further: what I…

  • Pay Attention

    Pay Attention

    Leadership Moment: Customer Acknowledgement I was recently in Tel Aviv. If there’s one thing that Israelis of all stripes seem to be universally proud of, it’s the bad customer service you’ll get in Israel. It’s an odd badge of honor. I was checking out of my hotel. I got in “line” behind a couple who…

  • Making Bets

    Making Bets

    Leadership Moment: Snowmageddon? Or is that NOmageddon? While I’m now enjoying the lovely weather in Tel Aviv, last week I was home outside Boston, prepping to leave, when I was joined by my whole family, since school was closed for the impending snow storm. The storm was a dud, however. rain, wintry mix, and a…

  • Engaging Backups

    Engaging Backups

    Leadership Moment: Leaning In for the Needy This past Shabbat our synagogue graduated seven new adult Torah readers, which deepens our bench of people to leyn Torah (chant from the Torah) each week. Learning to leyn Torah isn’t as easy as “can you read Hebrew?” Reading the Hebrew isn’t all that difficult. The large symbols…

  • Let your grace shine through

    Let your grace shine through

    Leadership Moment: Letting Go A few weeks ago, Cloudflare let go a number of folks in its sales organization, and one of them (let’s call them AE) recorded the experience, and shared it online. It’s a long video, but to summarize: An HR representative, and a member of sales management (not AE’s manager or director,…

  • What Will You Write On Your Slate?

    What Will You Write On Your Slate?

    Leadership Moment: To Everything There is a Season It’s been an open secret in Foxborough this football season that it’s team captain Matthew Slater’s final year. In the pregame warmups before the Patriots’ final game, players and coaches came out wearing a tribute hoodie. And yet, when asked about how it felt at the start…