Category: Leadership
Sweat the Small Stuff
Leadership Moment: Small Acts of Leadership I recently joined in as a guest in Chris Cochran’s The Art of Cybersecurity Leadership, and it was a fantastic crowd. It was styled as an AMA (Ask Me Anything), and the participants came armed with a number of leadership questions for me (some of which I jotted down…
Make Your Reps Count
Leadership Moment: “Garbage” Time This was a good weekend for Boston sports. The New England Free Jacks won their first Major League Rugby championship, and the Boston Renegades are heading back to Canton to defend their WFA Pro champion title. One of these games was close – the Freejacks won by one point – while…
Embracing Clarity and Seizing Opportunities
Leadership Moment: Not wasting your shot “We have a tradition here at BSides Tel Aviv,” Keren Elazari said to me in the green room. “I’ll have a shot with you on stage. It can be before your talk, or after your talk, or whenever. When do you want to do it, and what do you…
Less Communication May Be More Communicative
Leadership Moment: Submerging Your Voice If you were on any part of the Internet last week, you probably heard about the lost OceanGate submersible. As with almost any ongoing newsworthy event, there were a lot of opinions, as people across the Internet engaged in the roleplaying game of “being an instant expert on a complex…
There are no micro-aggressions
I’m reminded that unintentional exclusion can still perpetuate harm. When I couldn’t attend a conference due to a Jewish holiday, the organizer’s response, “That sucks for us,” initially angered me. But I realized it was a lack of awareness, not malice. Micro-inclusions matter too.
A broken clock doesn’t fix itself
Leadership Moment: A Critique Last week, I delivered the first public version of my new keynote (title in flux, but tentatively named Stop Destroying Value: Six Leadership Disciplines). When I give a talk, I’m not following a script, so some of my comments are more off-the-cuff than others. Sometimes, I take a great concept, and…
The Value of Safety
Leadership Moment: Is this really about safety? Every season, the NFL tweaks its rules. Two notable changes this season stand out: a modification to Thursday night games to let the NFL “flex” games into a Thursday in the midseason, and allowing fair catches on kickoffs, with the ball placed at the 25. What do these…
Having an Apology Budget
Are you a CISO in the midst of a job transition? If so, check out my just-published How to CISO: The First 91 Days guide for an in-depth look at the questions you ought to be asking and how to make and communicate your plans. Leadership Moment: An early wakeup I think it’s annoying when…
The Reign of Normal
Leadership Moment: Dancing in the Rain I had the distinct experience this Saturday of taking four teenagers to see Taylor Swift at Gillette Stadium. If you’re a Swiftie, you probably already know it was a rain show. For everyone else, that probably evokes images of misery: driving in traffic in the rain, trudging from parking…
Peeking behind the mask
Leadership Moment: Putting on a Brave Face Last week, I was in a room with about a hundred folks from around the world, atop one of the taller buildings in Tel Aviv. At the time, Hamas was launching rockets out of Gaza, and we could see the Iron Dome interceptions from time to time. Most…