Category: Leadership

  • Trolley choices

    Trolley choices

    Leadership Moment: Two Bad Choices As you’ll see below, I’m in Tel Aviv right now. As the United flight was finishing up boarding in Newark, a flight attendant announced that they’d found a phone, and if it was someone’s on the plane, to claim it, or it would be left in Newark. A few minutes…

  • Walk in their shoes

    Walk in their shoes

    Leadership Moment: When adversaries pray together It’s probably no secret to many of you that I love the game of football. The Women’s Football Alliance recently started its 2023 season, with the defending champion Boston Renegades taking on the D.C. Divas this weekend. The game got very chippy at times, with a Divas player being…

  • Hop onboard!

    Hop onboard!

    Leadership Moment: Helping the newcomers In Matt Johansen’s Vulnerable U newsletter, he provides guidance for newcomers to and industry (in this case, security) on dealing with some of the biggest challenges they’ll face, which mostly organize around “you’re new here, and we use words in surprising ways”. Matt focuses on what a newcomer can do…

  • Kindle a light, not a bonfire

    Kindle a light, not a bonfire

    Leadership Moment: Spotting burnout A quick-read article on HBR covers burnout, when chronic stress creates a sort of perpetual exhaustion, and spotlights six categories of stress: workload, values, reward, control, fairness, and community. While I haven’t yet read the source book (The Burnout Challenge: Managing People’s Relationships with Their Jobs), I’d likely place “control” as…

  • Notice who you take for granted

    Notice who you take for granted

    Leadership Moments: Make-A-Hero David Ortiz – Big Papi to Bostonians – was recently honored by Make-a-Wish for his work in the community. By granting the wishes of children with critical illnesses, Big Papi has brought a little more light into the world; it’s a use of his position and celebrity that exemplifies sports leadership. It’s…

  • Plan for the future

    Plan for the future

    Leadership Moment: Founder’s Syndrome Founder’s Syndrome occurs when a company founder remains in control for too long. Their approach, which might have been fantastic a decade ago, may no longer be appropriate for the situation that they find themselves in. While they might ostensibly be seeking a successor, what they seem to be looking for…

  • Learning More from Accidents

    Learning More from Accidents

    When accidents happen, there’s a seductive call to look for a root cause – that is, a chain of events without which, the accident would not have happened.  In hindsight, root causes are apparently easy to identify; one works backwards from the accident, identifying causal threads until reaching the “root cause.”  It’s simple, and it’s generally wrong.…

  • Making it safe to speak up

    Making it safe to speak up

    This week in DuhaOne: SVB’s miss, keeping onboarding fresh, make safety to spot danger, and tackling inclusion. Leadership Moment: Silicon Valley Bank The postmortems have already begun for the SVB failure, the second-largest in US history. This line inside CNN’s summary leapt out at me: Several experts who spoke to CNN said it’s likely that…

  • Food as Inclusion

    Every Friday night, Jews around the world welcome Shabbat around the dinner table.  Saying blessings for each, we light candles, we drink wine, and we salt and eat bread. Fire. Wine. Bread. Salt. These aren’t just Jewish traditions; I just happen to think of them that way because that is the culture in which I experience…

  • You’re behind

    “You’re behind.” Legacies are complicated. Sometimes a catchphrase so oversimplifies an interaction that, in filling in the missing pieces, we create a false caricature, and do disservice to the person we would honor. Danny Lewin was murdered a score of years ago today.   He left behind a family, friends, colleagues, and the company he’d…