
Security Blog

  • Virtual Patching

    Virtual patching, adding rules to a WAF to filter out traffic exploiting known vulnerabilities, is beneficial. While it shortens the mitigation window, the real debate lies in managing the underlying vulnerability. Some argue for fixing the specific vulnerability, while others advocate fixing the entire category of vulnerabilities for long-term benefits.

  • DDoS Thoughts

    DDoS attack efficiency is typically measured in bits-per-second ratios. To extend this measurement, we can use “flits per second” to gauge cost and impact. Reducing attack ratios and increasing client costs are key defensive strategies. Traffic filtering and capacity increases offer potential solutions.

  • Compliance, Security, and the relations therein

    As an amateur hairdresser, I’ve learned that just like the diverse disciplines within information security, there are countless techniques and specialties in hairstyling. It reminds me to approach other professionals with humility, acknowledging their expertise in their respective fields. We all have valuable knowledge to contribute.

  • Security and hairdressing

    Being an amateur hairdresser has taught me a valuable lesson about the diverse disciplines within information security. Just like braiding hair, where I’ve only scratched the surface, I’ve realized that I may only know bits and pieces about the various security specialties. It’s important to approach other professionals with humility, recognizing their expertise in their…

  • The Problem with Password Unmasking

    There is a disagreement regarding whether passwords should be shown in clear text or masked while being typed. One perspective argues that password masking reduces usability and offers limited protection against snoopers. However, the opposing view emphasizes the importance of security and raises questions about the effectiveness of unmasking passwords. The ultimate solution lies in…

  • Sanitization vs. crypto

    Bruce Schneier disagrees with NIST’s stance on encryption as a means of sanitization. He argues that properly implemented encryption, with secure key management, can effectively sanitize data. While NIST has removed the paragraph, Schneier acknowledges the numerous qualifications required for encryption to be fully secure, suggesting that sanitization should still be performed when possible.

  • Security and Obscurity

    The mantra “Security through obscurity is no security at all” originated from concerns about proprietary cryptographic algorithms. However, in the context of security systems and architectures, obscurity plays a crucial role. No system is perfectly secure, so a good security professional aims to reduce vulnerabilities and make exploitation costly. Layered security and maintaining architectural details…

  • Social Engineering Self-training

    In contrast to traditional security systems, social engineering has an interesting advantage: the more unsuccessful attempts made to deceive someone, the better prepared they become to resist future attacks. Each failed social engineering attempt serves as valuable training for the target, enhancing their defenses.

  • Phishing

    While we prioritize phishing prevention in banking, other sites like LinkedIn may become targets for identity thieves. The ease of phishing login information and the potential to exploit trust within a professional network highlight the need for heightened vigilance beyond banking. Personal experiences remind us to be more cautious.

  • Invisibility Cloak
    Invisibility Cloak

    As the possibility of invisibility draws nearer, its potential implications become apparent. Scary applications include concealed weapons, bombs, and potential traffic hazards. However, in the cool category, it opens doors for urban renewal, architectural innovations, and even portable privacy umbrellas, although such technologies may also have concerning uses.

Leadership Newsletter

  • Turnaround Can Be Fair Play … Or Not
    Turnaround Can Be Fair Play … Or Not

    Leadership Moment: Return to Office It seems like every time I turn around, I’m seeing another article on large company “return to work” programs. I hate that phrase – it implies that people who aren’t working in a specific office aren’t, well, working. For some companies, being in the office is already happening – a… Read this …

  • Choose Your Own Culture
    Choose Your Own Culture

    Leadership Moment: Empty Platitudes Since I have two teenagers, this summer has included college scouting, with our last two weeks including 4 college visits. At one of them, a very large state school, the person running the information session said, “There are a lot of ways to make a big school feel like a little… Read this …

  • Avoiding Negative Value
    Avoiding Negative Value

    Leadership Moment: Chasing a Non-Story Daniel Rosney, BBCNews reporter, was assigned to report on the death of Lil Tay. Except Lil Tay wasn’t dead. While numerous outlets took a single Instagram post and ran with it, Daniel spent the day trying to verify the story. He spent a lot of energy – over ten hours… Read this …
